048 | Katie Gall of Keeping It Real With Katie Gall, on Motherhood and the Arts, & "Superwoman Syndrome"
Download MP3Katie now works as all the above: a voice teacher, a performer, and a life coach.
Katie Gall dedicated herself to helping women creatives and business owners of the world reclaim their time, energy, power, and confidence to boldly go after their goals and live unapologetic lives. She fully believes there is artistry in business and business in artistry, and to be integrally intertwined. She is your not-so-serious go-to-girl for Realness and Truth. I do this by sharing my no-BS, truth-telling approach matched with love and care. My coaching style gets to the root of unlocking your best self (and a bit of crushing the patriarchy at the same time haha!).I don't just talk the talk, I can walk the walk too. Katie's credentials are kick-ass and lend themselves to a holistic approach. I received my Masters of Music from NYU Steinhardt in Vocal Pedagogy and Vocal Performance. I became a certified Health Coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, as well as a coaching certification as a Sacred Depths Transformational Coach. I now work as all of the above: a voice teacher, a performer, and a life coach.
Personal Website: https://www.keepingitrealkatie.com
Personal Website: https://www.keepingitrealkatie.com
Previous Speaking Engagements:
Cue Zero Theater Podcast - https://anchor.fm/cztheatre/episodes/Cue-Zero-Theatre-Cast-Season-2-Episode-13---Keeping-It-Healthy-with-Katie-Gall-eeggik/a-a29kll5
The Good Report with Andre Stithe - https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=642397363303085&ref=watch_permalink
Creators and Guests

Jasmine Castillo
Hosted by @jazcstiyo. A podcast that promotes entrepreneurs, musicians, artist services to increase their customer base.