059| Kelly Edwards of The Business Shower, on Networking, Entrepenuership, & Working Your Way Up
Download MP3Kelly Edwards and I talk about the importance of connecting entrepreneurs with each other and her journey from becoming a talent agent to a matchmaker for different businesses and talk about her podcast called, The Business Shower Events Podcast. Kelly highlights entrepreneurs and how they were able to get their businesses off the ground.
Kelly's Website: www.thebusinessshowerevents.com
Kelly's Podcast: The Business Shower Events Podcast
Previous Speaking Engagements:
Kelly's Website: www.thebusinessshowerevents.com
Kelly's Podcast: The Business Shower Events Podcast
Previous Speaking Engagements:
Creators and Guests

Jasmine Castillo
Hosted by @jazcstiyo. A podcast that promotes entrepreneurs, musicians, artist services to increase their customer base.