047 | Tina Ginn of Your Backup Plan App, on Emergency Preparedness & Near-Death Experience
Download MP3Tina Ginn, is the creator of 'Your Backup Plan' app. She would love to share getting better prepared for the unexpected especially important during these challenging times in the Pandemic. With her new App it can assist you with putting all of your importantinformation, details, and documents into 1-place so it's easily accessible when you need it the most! Whether you are in ICU for Covid for weeks or need to grab your emergency kit, this app got you covered! Personal Website: www.yourbackupplan.caLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tinaolexa/Previous Speaking Engagements: https://youtu.be/uANHlnzxZx0https://www.buzzsprout.com/1522519/8880595https://youtu.be/wHYgHQyXZnsSupport the show (https://www.buymeacoffee.com/JasmineCastillo)
Tina Ginn, is the creator of 'Your Backup Plan' app. She would love to share getting better prepared for the unexpected especially important during these challenging times in the Pandemic. With her new App it can assist you with putting all of your important
information, details, and documents into 1-place so it's easily accessible when you need it the most! Whether you are in ICU for Covid for weeks or need to grab your emergency kit, this app got you covered!
Personal Website: www.yourbackupplan.ca
information, details, and documents into 1-place so it's easily accessible when you need it the most! Whether you are in ICU for Covid for weeks or need to grab your emergency kit, this app got you covered!
Personal Website: www.yourbackupplan.ca
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tinaolexa/
Previous Speaking Engagements:
Support the show (https://www.buymeacoffee.com/JasmineCastillo)
Creators and Guests

Jasmine Castillo
Hosted by @jazcstiyo. A podcast that promotes entrepreneurs, musicians, artist services to increase their customer base.