044 | Dr. Ellenmorris Tiegerman of Tiegerman Schools and Community Services, on Special Education & Transformation for Children of our Future
Download MP3Dr. Ellenmorris is a prolific professor and teacher, who directs Tiegerman Schools and Community Services in New York. She and I believe that all people should have the resources to meet the needs of education - no matter their level of learning. Her campuses are the foundation of hope for children K4-12 to become their best selves. When we come to understand that children are our future, funding is necessary!https://www.tiegerman.org/ New Book!! https://www.thedeniedseries.com/To Donate to Tiegerman Schools https://givebutter.com/Tiegerman85This true-crime podcast of #MMIP, #LBGTQ2S, #BIPOC, #AAPI. I am dedicated to helping put information out to assist families in finding these lost loved ones. Here is the guest form if you are interested in telling their story.My contact number is +903-883-6103 or email: HandsOffMyPodcast@gmail.comhttps://handsoffmypodcast.wordpress.com/Support the show (https://www.buymeacoffee.com/JasmineCastillo)
Dr. Ellenmorris is a prolific professor and teacher, who directs Tiegerman Schools and Community Services in New York. She and I believe that all people should have the resources to meet the needs of education - no matter their level of learning. Her campuses are the foundation of hope for children K4-12 to become their best selves. When we come to understand that children are our future, funding is necessary!
New Book!!
To Donate to Tiegerman Schools
New Book!!
To Donate to Tiegerman Schools
This true-crime podcast of #MMIP, #LBGTQ2S, #BIPOC, #AAPI. I am dedicated to helping put information out to assist families in finding these lost loved ones. Here is the guest form if you are interested in telling their story.
My contact number is +903-883-6103 or email: HandsOffMyPodcast@gmail.com
Support the show (https://www.buymeacoffee.com/JasmineCastillo)
Creators and Guests

Jasmine Castillo
Hosted by @jazcstiyo. A podcast that promotes entrepreneurs, musicians, artist services to increase their customer base.